3M - Solventum
3M Pentamix Lite Automatic Mixing Unit, is the entry model to the world of automatic mixing – wit...
3M - Solventum
Get easy access to the sulcus with 3M Astringent Retraction Paste's patented extra-fine tip. The ...
3M - Solventum
Ensures adhesion between the polyether impression material and the impression tray. ...
3M - Solventum
Ensures adhesion between the VPS impression material and the impression tray. Can be used for all...
3M - Solventum
3M - Solventum
Pentamix 3 is an Automatic Mixing Unit. Dispenses Penta Impression Materials in half the time of ...
3M - Solventum
Provides easy syringing of light body handmix impression material around the teeth....
GC separation foil for two-phase impression taking technique. A1 mm thick polyethylene foam separ...
Active-tabs and concentrated cleaning agent for cleaning impression trays and instruments. Traypurol...
Individo Lux blue opaque and lndivido Lux blue transparent are opaque and respectively, transpare...
Profibase is a light-curing resin in pre-contoured plates for maxillae and mandibles. The materia...
Mixing tips that allow the base and catalyst to mix in the right proportions. ...
D2 Dispenser 1:1 - for 50 ml cartridges (Elite, Hydrorise, Freealgin, Occlufast, Colorbite)...
Algitray is a specific cleaner, free of phosphates and surfactants, for removing alginate residues f...
Universal Tray Adhesive is a specific adhesive for A-Silicones. ...
Hager Werken
Cleansing solution. For the removal of impression pastes, zinc oxide cements, dispersio...
Dentsply Sirona
Fix Adhesive is a solvent based adhesive which increases the adhesion between alginate impre...