
Dental Resins Form 4B

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FLRS-C2-CTBL-01 Custom Tray
Custom Tray

Custom Tray Resin is a fast-printing biocompatible material used to directly print custom impression trays for implants, dentures, crowns and bridges, and other comprehensive cases.

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FLRS-C2-CWPU-01 Castable Wax
Castable Wax

Castable Wax Resin is a wax-filled material for casting that can capture intricate features and offers a smooth surface finish for accurate castings with zero ash content and clean burnout.

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FLRS-C2-DLCL-02 Dental LT Clear
Dental LT Clear

Is a long-term biocompatible material for directly printing affordable, high-quality hard splints and occlusal guards in-house. Highly durable and resistant to fracture, this color-corrected material prints clear, polishes to high optical transparency, and resists discoloration over time.

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FLRS-C2-FL80-11 Flexible RESIN
Flexible RESIN

Flexible 80A Resin a stiff, soft-touch, translucent elastomer with an 80A Shore durometer that is ideal for prototyping rubber-like parts with the flexibility of harder rubber or TPU.

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FLRS-C2-FMGR-01 Fast Model
Fast Model

Fast Model Resin is Formlabs’ fastest resin, capable of printing at speeds of over 100 mm per hour. Print dental models in minutes.

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FLRS-C2-GPBK-05 Black V6
Black V6

Black Resin is an exceptionally rich, deep black General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, presentation-ready appearance, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

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FLRS-C2-GPCL-05 Clear V6
Clear V6

Clear Resin is an exceptionally clear and color-neutral 3D printing resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, transparency, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

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FLRS-C2-GPGR-05 Grey V6
Grey V6

Grey Resin is an exceptionally versatile General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

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FLRS-C2-GPWH-05 White V6
White V6

White Resin V5 is an exceptionally bright white General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, presentation-ready appearance, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

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FLRS-C2-HTAM-02 High Temp
High Temp

Use High Temp Resin to print detailed, precise prototypes and end use parts that require high thermal stability, such as molds and inserts, parts exposed to hot air, gas, and fluid flow, as well as heat-resistant mounts, housings, and fixtures.

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FLRS-C2-PMBE-01 Precision Model
Precision Model

Precision Model Resin is a high-accuracy material for creating restorative models with >99% of printed surface area within 100 μm of the digital model. Create beautiful models with crisp margin lines thanks to high opacity, beige color, and a smooth, matte finish to capture fine details.

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FLRS-C2-SGAM-01 Surgical Guide
Surgical Guide

Surgical Guide Resin is an autoclavable, biocompatible resin for 3D printing surgical guides, drilling templates, pilot drill guides, and device sizing templates that exceed dental demands in accuracy, part quality, and performance.

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Custom Tray


Custom Tray Resin is a fast-printing biocompatible material used to directly print custom impression trays for implants, dentures, crowns and bridges, and other comprehensive cases.

Custom Tray
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Castable Wax


Castable Wax Resin is a wax-filled material for casting that can capture intricate features and offers a smooth surface finish for accurate castings with zero ash content and clean burnout.

Castable Wax
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Dental LT Clear


Is a long-term biocompatible material for directly printing affordable, high-quality hard splints and occlusal guards in-house. Highly durable and resistant to fracture, this color-corrected material prints clear, polishes to high optical transparency, and resists discoloration over time.

Dental LT Clear
Pakiranje: 1 l
No stock
Flexible RESIN

# FLRS-C2-FL80-11

Flexible 80A Resin a stiff, soft-touch, translucent elastomer with an 80A Shore durometer that is ideal for prototyping rubber-like parts with the flexibility of harder rubber or TPU.

Flexible RESIN
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Fast Model


Fast Model Resin is Formlabs’ fastest resin, capable of printing at speeds of over 100 mm per hour. Print dental models in minutes.

Fast Model
Pakiranje: 1 l
No stock
Black V6


Black Resin is an exceptionally rich, deep black General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, presentation-ready appearance, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

Black V6
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Clear V6


Clear Resin is an exceptionally clear and color-neutral 3D printing resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, transparency, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

Clear V6
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Grey V6


Grey Resin is an exceptionally versatile General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

Grey V6
Pakiranje: 1 l
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White V6


White Resin V5 is an exceptionally bright white General Purpose Resin, offering an optimal balance of fast print speed, high accuracy, presentation-ready appearance, strong mechanical properties, and an easy, reliable workflow.

White V6
Pakiranje: 1 l
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High Temp


Use High Temp Resin to print detailed, precise prototypes and end use parts that require high thermal stability, such as molds and inserts, parts exposed to hot air, gas, and fluid flow, as well as heat-resistant mounts, housings, and fixtures.

High Temp
Pakiranje: 1 l
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Precision Model


Precision Model Resin is a high-accuracy material for creating restorative models with >99% of printed surface area within 100 μm of the digital model. Create beautiful models with crisp margin lines thanks to high opacity, beige color, and a smooth, matte finish to capture fine details.

Precision Model
Pakiranje: 1 l
No stock
Surgical Guide


Surgical Guide Resin is an autoclavable, biocompatible resin for 3D printing surgical guides, drilling templates, pilot drill guides, and device sizing templates that exceed dental demands in accuracy, part quality, and performance.

Surgical Guide
Pakiranje: 1 l
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