ASA Dental
ASA Dental
Baumann Dental
The basic model from the new Arto XP articulator series - with immediate Sideshift function (ISS)...
Baumann Dental
The partially adjustable model from the new Arto XP articulator series - with immediate Sideshift...
Hager Werken
Classical Non-Arcon articulator. Available in 2 construction heights: 95mm, 105mm (meas...
Amann Girrbach
The non-Arcon carbon base model articulator with following specifics: The bestselling Carbon-...
Amann Girrbach
The non-Arcon workhorse – the prosthetic articulator with following specifics: Partially adju...
Amann Girrbach
The non-arcon Artex basic model for inexpensive introduction to the world of Artex articulators: ...
Amann Girrbach
Model management articulator and universal diagnosis and therapy unit in Arcon design. An articul...